What if you could let go of chronic busyness and overdoing and craft an unhurried, intentional life overflowing with joy, spaciousness and deep presence?


We are thrilled to donate 10% of our profits to LOVE146, fighting against child sex-trafficking and charity: water, raising awareness about the global water crisis and providing clean water to people who need it most.

R - Regulate & Renew Mind, Body & Spirit

E - Embrace Spiritual Rhythms of Simplicity, Silence & Solitude, and Sabbath (Rest)

S - Slow Down to Live with Intention

T - Trust in the profound Peace & Presence of Christ, as we pursue a life on purpose

We are women coming together to rest.

a {countercultural} mastermind for mission-driven women of influence

Coming summer 2025

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke up upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Matthew 11: 28-30


unhurried e-course + community

Are you ready to get intentional about slowing down and living with more presence and ease?

This summer, we launched a faith-based slow lifestyle e-course + community, specifically designed for women of faith in midlife, where we come together to practice new rhythms, breathe, connect and support each other in crafting spacious, unhurried lives. We’ll open our doors again in January 2025!